Vector Graphics Mode
After receiving the control code
(this can be turned
off) or the 4105 command
<#363#><#363#>!0 (ASCII control characters are
printed in <#364#>this font<#364#> to distinguish them from printable characters, a
space is written
) from the host, UniTerm switches to a
separate graphics screen, if the host doesn't send
ASCII characters Escape and Formfeed) before starting a new
picture, you will have to clear the screen manually with
. The incoming characters will be interpreted as
Tektronix encoded vectors or commands (see appendix A) until
UniTerm receives one of the following codes:
- <#788#>CAN<#788#>
will return you to VT102 mode,
- <#789#>ESC<#789#>
will clear the screen and enter Tektronix alpha mode.
- <#791#>ESC<#791#>
<#375#><#375#>!1 will return to VT102 mode.
To return manually from Tektronix to VT200/VT102/VT100/VT52 mode
or select the appropriate mode from the item
Terminal in the menu Settings. To view your picture again press
. Be careful, selecting Tektronix 4010 mode manually
will also reset the history buffer!